Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blogs vs. Wikis



Many authors, various personalities & experiences.

Knowledge comes from community of dozens or even
thousands of topic experts.

Simple interface permitting anyone with a browser to
easily get involved in creatingand editing content.


Growsrapidly at all hours of the day.

Articles constantly change and continuosly updated.

Discussions can take place on pages or in the discussion


Ranges from easy to setup to very difficult, depending on
chosen solution.

Most solutions take care of themselves.

Publishing very easy, no html needed on some
platforms (like Wetpaint).


Typically one author, one personality, one opinion.

Knowledge limited to single person.

Content only edited by author.


Grows slowly, one post at a time.

Each post becomes stale over time.

Discussions take place in the comments of a post,
typically approved by blogger.


Ranges from easy to setup to very difficult,
depending on chosen solution.

Many solutions require constant security updates.

Publishing very easy, some html knowledge useful.

How can blogs be used for collaboration?
One negative point against blogs that has sustained over time is
that they tend to be limited to one person. The knowledge,
and content that is being posted on blogs moreover tends to
be personal. Therefore collaboration of blogs and bloggers will
improve interaction, connectivity, and enhance the content of
information. Blogs tend to grow slowly, one post at a time. A
primary advantage for the readers of collaborative blogs is the
simple fact that a collaborative effort usually make for a more
regularly updated site. It is not unusual to find collaborative weblogs
publishing new material 24 hours a day, allowing readers the
opportunity to read new material on an almost constant basis.

Collaborative blogs can be place into 2 categories.

Invite Only: "An Invite Only collaborative blog is one in which
a founder blogger personally selects a small group of co-bloggers,
inviting them to contribute to his or her blog. The Invite Only
blog typically focues on a single common interest subject -
i.e. politics, legal issues or, occasionally, comedy."

Open Invite: " Conversely, Open Invite collaborative blogs allow
any user to register for ablogging account, providing instant access.
Open Invite collaborative blogs succeed on the basis that the community
acts to weed out trolls, spammers and other troublemakers."

New use for Wiki
Wiki as we all know are powerful source of user generated
information. For example Wikipedia, one of the biggest
reason behind its success is that its easy to access by any person,
at the same time be able to input information and change it.
Up to now we see Wiki's been use at personal levels but it hasn't
reached yet to corporate levels. If companies do use wikis the
follow of information withing employees will be at ease,
and to its own profitability enhance communication within
different departments of a company.

1 comment:

Lana said...

I like the way that you discribe Blogs vs. Wikis: easy to understand and to see the differences and similarities between them.You did a great job!